Who Does Code 3 Work With?
The Treehouse Children’s Family in Nairobi, Kenya, serves abandoned children in the Mathare slum, with over 500,000 people living in a three sq/mile area.
How They Met
Hailey and Cameron were missionaries in Africa for one year early on in their marriage. They are no longer full-time missionaries but they still have a heart for Africa. AID/HIV and poverty is still causing many children in this area to be orphaned. Hailey and Cameron personally know and have spent months with the people running the treehouse childrens home.

Treehouse Children’s Family Misson Statement
Tree House Children’s home work towards empowering orphans and vulnerable children through provision of services such as Education, shelter, food, healthy services, Love and all necessary child needs in daily lives in order to return hope and build a better future for children.
Treehouse Children’s Family Current Work
Currently Treehouse Children’s Family is housing 78 children and feeding/careing for 200-300 more children each week.

How Code 3 Supports This Work
Since its inception Hailey and Cameron have committed to donate a minimum of 10% of the businesses profits each year to help children in Kenya.
Find Treehouse Children’s Family